From his early days as a Cub Scout, Paul Entrekin had an affinity for Scouting. As a Boy Scout, he became a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, recipient of the God & Country Award, and achieved Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle. Paul is also a brother in Scouting’s service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega.

Paul has served in many positions as an adult Scout leader including:
- Scoutmaster
- District Committee Chairman
- Unit Commissioner
- Council Contingent Leader to the Philmont Scout Ranch
- Woodbadge Staff
- Council Executive Board
Among his numerous awards in Scouting, Paul has received:
- Cliff Dochterman Award (presented by Rotary International)
- Good Shepherd Award
- Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award
- Distinguished Commissioner Service Award
- Pensacola Bay District Award of Merit
- Gulf Coast Council Silver Beaver Award
- Gulf Coast Council’s 2014 Eagle Class Honoree